Erma Suryani, Prof., S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
- Department of Information Systems, Laboratory of Enterprise Systems
- Research Center for Agri-Food and Biotechnology (AGRIFOTECH)
- Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Health Technology (KATK)
- Research Center for Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics (MTL)
Person: Researcher
Ahmad Rusdiansyah, Prof., Dr. Eng., Ir., M.Eng., CSCP, CLTD
- Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Laboratory of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Research Center for Agri-Food and Biotechnology (AGRIFOTECH)
- Research Center for Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics (MTL)
Person: Researcher
Yoshiaki Sakagami
- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina
External person