A Deterministic Bidirectional Quantum Controlled Teleportation via a Non-Maximally Entangled Five-Qubit Channel State

Muhammad Taufiqi, Agus Purwanto*, Bintoro Anang Subagyo, Dwi Januriyanto

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


We propose a deterministic bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation protocol via a non-maximally entangled five-qubit channel state. We show that there exists a non-maximally entangled five-qubit channel state and measurement bases combination that guarantees the performance of the protocol. We highlighted that even though the protocol uses a non-maximally entangled five-qubit state and does not use any additional transformation or auxiliary qubits, the teleportation still can have perfect fidelity and probability, resulting in deterministic teleportation. We also evaluate the protocol performance under phase-damping noise and compare it with a well-known maximally entangled channel protocol. It is interesting to note that the proposed protocol may perform better under the noise than the well-known one.

Original languageEnglish
Article number82
JournalInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


  • Bidirectional
  • Non-maximally entangled channel state
  • Phase-damping noise
  • Quantum controlled teleportation


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