A System Dynamics Approach for Modeling Construction Accidents

Anny Maryani, Sritomo Wignjosoebroto, Sri Gunani Partiwi*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Citations (Scopus)


A construction project is prone to occupational accidents due to its dangerous characteristics and unpredictable changes. Occupational accidents can be caused by members of the supply chain, namely the parties involved in construction projects, from the management to workers, working environment, and work stress related to targets, costs, quality, and time. An accidents will cause an impact to costs, especially OSH costs. Therefore, it is important to know variable correlation that causing the accident. Various studies have been conducted to determine the variables causing accidents and the influences of occupational accident on the performance of a construction project, especially the cost. However, the studies are uncompleted, they do not comprehensively describes the relationship between the causes, accidents, and its influence on the supply chain. A system dynamics approach is a simulation method in solving real-world problems to describe relationships among variables in complex real systems. The simulation method for the analysis of occupational accidents in the construction project is considered appropriate because of the probabilistic characteristic of variables that influence it. The resulting model describes the process of occupational accidents and the direct and indirect cost incurred. In the end, the model generates OSH cost components that need to be controlled as well as improvements in the supply chain of subcontractors and supervisors to enhance the quality of workers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)392-401
Number of pages10
JournalProcedia Manufacturing
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Ccnstruction projects
  • OSH cost
  • Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
  • occupational accidents
  • system dynamics


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