Activated carbon from bamboo waste: Effect of activation sequences and iron-cobalt impregnation to material properties and catalyst performance

Jimmy Jimmy, Achmad Roesyadi*, Suprapto Suprapto, Firman Kurniawansyah, Warih Anggraini, Rizka Rahmawati

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Bamboo "Ori" (Bambusa blumeana) is a potential raw material for activated carbon production due to rapid growth and abundant availability. Raschig ring activated carbon for industrial catalyst, catalyst support and adsorbent in purifi cation process can be made from small diameter bamboo branches. The activated carbon as a support for Fe and Co catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis provides an opportunity for direct conversion from synthesis gas (CO and H2) to biofuel (C5-C19). The effect of activation sequence on the activated carbon and impregnation product properties was investigated. Activated carbon was obtained from bamboo waste through various activation sequences (steam, phosphoric acid and carbonization), then it was impregnated with 10% metal loading. The Fe composition in the initial metal mixture was varied at 0-40% from total composition. After impregnation, reduction was applied by fl owing hydrogen gas at 400°C for 10 hours.These catalysts were performed for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a batch reactors. The activation sequences of carbonization-acid and acid-carbonization gave similar surface area (2173 and 2091 m2/g), much greater than the steam-carbonization-acid and steam-acid-carbonization (427 and 478 m2/g) sequences. Functionalization with nitric acid produced oxygen functional groups of carboxyl, carbonyl, alcohol and phenol.Catalyst reduction gave Fe, Co and Fe-Co alloys as active metal and a little oxides Fe2O3 and Co3O4. The larger amount of Fe-Co alloys were formed on 30Fe-70Co/Activated Carbon and 40Fe-60Co/Activated Carbon catalyst. Fischer-Tropsch synthes is was performed in batch at H2/CO = 2, Fe-Co/Activated Carbon catalyst, 250°C, 8 bars for 18 hours. The n-paraffi n compound is only formed in 40Fe-60Co/Activated Carbon catalyst which contained the highest amount of Fe-Co alloys. The more Fe-Co alloys content was, more n-paraffi n was formed. The n-paraffi n (OH) compound was only formed in 10Fe-90Co/AC. The more Co content was, more n-paraffi n (OH) was formed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Applied Engineering Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Activated carbon
  • Activation sequences
  • Bamboo waste
  • Functionalization
  • Iron-cobalt composition


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