An Energy-Aware Computation Offloading Framework for a Mobile Crowdsensing Cluster Using DMIPS Approach

Fuad Dary Rosyadi, Waskitho Wibisono, Tohari Ahmad, Royyana Muslim Ijtihadie, Ary Mazharuddin Shidiqqi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices for systems development has highlighted requirements for the devices to be able to perform various types of computations and services. They include basic computation applications that perform the simple computation to more complex and cumbersome load computation tasks. Since IoT devices are designed to be powered by battery. It has limitation in energy. This issue become one of the main challenges need to be dealt with in IoT -based application developments. Computation offloading where heavy tasks can be sent to the cloud server is one of promising technique to address this issue. However, sending large computational jobs along with the data to the cloud server not always give better results in term of energy consumptions. This paper proposes an approach to build energy-efficient computation offloading framework for an IoT-based mobile crowdsensing cluster based on the DMIPS approach. The experiments were conducted using real IoT devices and the results show that the smart offloading approach can reduce the energy consumption of the devices in performing high computation tasks compared to the full local or offloading executions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICICOS 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences
Subtitle of host publicationAccelerating Informatics and Computational Research for Smarter Society in The Era of Industry 4.0, Proceedings
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9781728146102
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019
Event3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences, ICICOS 2019 - Semarang, Indonesia
Duration: 29 Oct 201930 Oct 2019

Publication series

NameICICOS 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences: Accelerating Informatics and Computational Research for Smarter Society in The Era of Industry 4.0, Proceedings


Conference3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences, ICICOS 2019


  • IoT
  • computation offloading
  • energy-aware computation
  • mobile crowdsensing


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