Biodiesel production from rice bran oil and supercritical methanol

Novy Srihartati Kasim, Tsung Han Tsai, Setiyo Gunawan, Yi Hsu Ju*

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85 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, production of biodiesel from low cost raw materials, such as rice bran and dewaxed-degummed rice bran oil (DDRBO), under supercritical condition was carried out. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was employed as co-solvent to decrease the supercritical temperature and pressure of methanol. The effects of different raw materials on the yield of biodiesel production were investigated. In situ transesterification of rice bran with supercritical methanol at 30 MPa and 300 °C for 5 min was not a promising way to produce biodiesel because the purity and yield of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) obtained were 52.52% and 51.28%, respectively. When DDRBO was reacted, the purity and yield were 89.25% and 94.84%, respectively. Trans-FAMEs, which constituted about 16% of biodiesel, were found. They were identified as methyl elaidate [trans-9], methyl linoleaidate [trans-9, trans-12], methyl linoleaidate [cis-9, trans-12], and methyl linoleaidate [trans-9, cis-12]. Hydrocarbons, which constituted about 3% of the reaction product, were also detected.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2399-2403
Number of pages5
JournalBioresource Technology
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2009


  • In situ transesterification
  • Rice bran
  • Rice bran oil
  • Supercritical methanol


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