
The availability of blood bags, adequate quality and quick distribution factor are critical factors in serving demands of blood bags in Indonesia. Indonesian Red Cross Society (Palang Merah Indonesia/PMI) as the holder of the authority to manage the blood bags from the supply of donors until distribution to the hospitals. Many experts believe that the blood traceability system has capability to increase the availability of blood bags and satisfy the quality of blood bags. The objective of this paper is to design the smart blood traceability system to integrate blood bags operations from the major actors in Indonesian blood supply chain. The Architecture of Indonesian blood traceability system has been made with regard to the entire supply chain actors follows the needs and the existing processes. Barcode technology is used to support the data entry of smart blood traceability system. The coding of blood products and shipping has been created using Barcode tags. The smart blood traceability system model was designed using the use case diagram, class diagram and others diagrams in UML approach. The Bloodtrace software was developed and was conducted the try out in one PMI regions in Jawa Timur.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)535-542
Number of pages8
JournalProcedia Manufacturing
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Blood traceability system
  • auto_ID technology.
  • blood supply chain


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