Color Detection with Brain Wave (Mind wave) for Disabilities People Using FFT and Deep Learning Method

Naufal Rif at Al Mahbubi, Moh Yanni Fikri, Vivi Rahmania, Mochammad Irfano Arifin, Muhammad Fakhri Tajuddin, Mat Syai'In, Edy Setiawan, Ryan Yudha Adhitya, Agus Khumaidi, Noorman Rinanto, Ruddianto, E. A. Zuliari, Mardlijah

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this study is helping persons with disabilities for moving a wheelchair using brain waves, the wheelchair will move depending on the watched color by user. There are three colors to be detected by the system; they were red, green and blue. This tool is called the BWD (Brain Wave for Disabilities). Brain waves were received with the neurosky Mind wave Headset to produce electroencephalograph (EEG) waves. EEG waves go through the extraction process using the FFT algorithm according to the rules of nyquist frequency. Each color was taken as many as 50 times for this experimental case. Each retrieved data in one color has 500 data points. Then the data points are used as input to the classification method called Deep Learning algorithm. The results of the classification are used to move the DC motor in a wheelchair. The wheelchair will move according to the color seen by the subject. The success rate in this research was 66, 67%.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceeding - 2019 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, ISESD 2019
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9781728121567
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019
Event4th International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, ISESD 2019 - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 8 Oct 20199 Oct 2019

Publication series

NameProceeding - 2019 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, ISESD 2019


Conference4th International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, ISESD 2019


  • Deep Learning
  • Disabilities
  • Electroencephalographic (EEG)
  • FFT
  • Neurosky Mind wave Headset


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