
An enterprise not only needs information about the time-based service performance (reliability and maintenance of services) but also need to know the effect of time variables on the dynamic of both service performance and demand. Therefore, this article proposes the computation of reliability and maintainability as the service performance of the enterprise based on service time of demand fulfillment, as well as the use of average reliability that affected to the demand at specific duration time. To solve this problem, system dynamics simulation is carried out on the dynamic model which consists of the interrelationship variables and the delay time. The dynamic model is developed based on the conceptual model represented by a causal loop diagram (CLD). Next, CLD is converted into a stock and flow diagram (SFD), so the dynamic model can be simulated to achieve the proposed of this article. The result of simulation shows the decrease of service time variables can cause either decrease, increase or no change to the total, the event number, and the average of the reliability, average reliability, and maintainability of service and all services, as well as its demand.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)718-729
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Supply Chain Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Average reliability
  • Enterprise
  • Maintainability
  • Reliability
  • Service performance
  • Service time of demand fulfillment
  • System dynamics


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