Corrosion Rate and Weight Loss of Geopolymer Mortar Coated Concrete Specimens with Different Thicknesses

Syahidah Fani Nastiti*, Januarti Jaya Ekaputri, Mohammad Sulton, Boedi Rahardjo, Devi Yusufi Rahma, Agil Fitri Handayani, Fadila Fitria Wulandari

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This study is about the use of geopolymer mortar as an alternative repair material to reduce the corrosion rate of building structures. The experiment was conducted by comparing the corrosion rate and weight loss of concrete specimens with different thicknesses of geopolymer mortar coating with concrete specimens coated with Sikagrout 215M. Observations showed that the specimens with 2.5 cm thick geopolymer mortar coating cracked faster and had higher current values than the others. Corrosion rate measurements showed that the specimen with 4 cm thickness geopolymer mortar coating had the lowest corrosion rate, while the specimen with Sikagrout 215M coating had a higher corrosion rate. Visualization of the cracked specimens shows that the geopolymer mortar layer's thickness affects the reinforcement's rust formation. Geopolymer concrete with proper coating thickness can reduce the corrosion rate and weight loss of concrete structures. This research further explains the effect of coating thickness and coating type in protecting steel in concrete from corrosion.

Original languageEnglish
Article number01025
JournalE3S Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2023
Event4th International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, GCEE 2023 - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 8 Aug 202310 Aug 2023


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