Design of ironing dies with CAD/CAM topsolid7 assistance for making 20 milimeter caliber bullet case

I. M.L. Batan, I. G.A.N.W. Baskara

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


One of the stages to make a bullet case is ironing process, which is the process to thinning the wall part of a cup that is place between die and punch in a press tool. Die has an inner diameter difference from a small diameter to bigger diameter along the inner hole. In the other words, the inner hole of the die is conical with a slope angle is 10°. To help design ironing dies, used a Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software TopSolid7. In this research was designed and made to make a 20 mm bullet case, from brass material CuZn30. Design process started from dimension and material strength calculation. Then the die was drawed in 3-D with CAD TopSolid 7 software. The design of die machining process is helped with TopSolid 7 CAM software. In that process design, is adding a raw material (stock), defining a reference, making toolpath, verification and G-Code making. The machining process on CNC machine become the end of design process that completed with measurement of a machining result. For example design process is designing and making an ironing die for making 20 millimeter bullet case. Ironing dies machining process is using a CNC lathe machine. The ironing die are made, measured to find out the product result spesification. From the dimension measurement of ironing die can be conclude that TopSolid 7 CAD/CAM can help the manufacture of ironing die well and can produce a precision ironing die.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012023
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2019
EventIndonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018, IMRCS 2018 - Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 21 Nov 201822 Nov 2018


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