Empowerment and Optimalisation of Kenjeran Beach Tourism Potential, Surabaya-East Java

Mahmud Mustain, Sujantoko, Majid Adi Prasetyo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Surabaya is one of the coastal cities in Indonesia that has significant potential because it is located directly opposite the Madura Strait. One of the potentials is the existence of tourist beaches such as Kenjeran Beach. Currently, there are two Kenjeran Beaches in Surabaya, namely Old Kenjeran Beach and New Kenjeran Beach. The development of New Kenjeran Beach is superior because of the wider land than Old Kenjeran Beach. The research aims to find out the potential of Old Kenjeran Beach Surabaya as a tourist beach. In addition, this study aims to calculate and know how to increase the value of the beach recreational index Old Kenjeran Beach based on 3 indexes, namely Beach Index (BI), Knowledge Index (KI), and Monetary Index (MI). The method used in this research is using online questionnaire method. It consists of 20 statements that are divided into 4 parameters, namely natural conditions, public facilities, community participation, and the economy of the community. Based on the calculation results, the beach index value has been obtained by 0.762 (medium), knowledge index 0.728 (medium), and monetary index 0.963 (high). The validation of each calculation depends on the accuracy of the respondents.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)246-254
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Review of Civil Engineering
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Beach
  • Knowledge
  • Monetary-Index
  • Potential-Kenjeran-Beach
  • Surabaya


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