Equilibrium geometry demands of natural discharge on alluvial river

Kuntjoro*, Ismail Saud, Didik Harijanto

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The alluvial river geometry formation is river hidraulics process, affected by sedimentation and erosion so this process gets so complicated. This complexity caused by free factors on certain discharge. River geometry can be change with change of flow condition and this change would lead to equilibrium configuration. By considering river hydraulics, wide, depth and slope of river bottom, sediment transport had a role in the formation of equilibrium of river geometry. Concerning analysis on channel resistance theory and sediment transport used to approach to reached to equilibrium river geometry and optimum in sediment transport. Equilibrium of river geometry in this research is accomplished by combining KUN-QArSHOV theory with Wallingford methods. The KUN-QArSHOV theory proposed undimensional parameters that formation to the river namely: discharge (Q), average velocity(V), wet are (A), average depth (hb), wet perimeter (O), sediment concentration (X),fivety presen passing D50 (D50), rc, ϕ θ λ a, and t. While the Wallingford method by Aker and White proposed variables an influential in formation of river: average velocity (V); average depth (h); slope the river bottom ( S ); discharge ( Q ); sediment concentration ( X ) and wide of river surface (W).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1476-1483
Number of pages8
JournalARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Alluvial river
  • Discharge
  • Equilibrium
  • Geometry


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