Evacuation Analysis of Ship Passenger Using Agent Based Modelling Simulation

M. B. Zaman*, N. Siswantoro, M. Zulfikar

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Ship accidents that occur in Indonesian have a high frequency. The ship accidents is dominated by fires of Ro-ro or passenger ships which cause material loss, water pollution and loss of human life. In this paper, an analysis of the ship evacuation system will be carried out. The Agent Based Modelling Simulation (ABMS) was using in this study. Initial data required are in the form of ship general arrangement, passenger walking speed, as well as the composition and distribution of passengers. The distribution of ship passengers in Indonesia for the category of women aged less than 30 years is 12%, women aged 30-50 years are 21%, women aged greater than 50 years are 5%, there are no female passengers with disabilities, while for the category of males aged less than 30 years as much as 19%, males with an age range of 30-50 years as much as 31%, males over 50 years old as much as 12%, and no male passengers were found. a man with a disability. The number of ship passengers is conditioned to exceed the passenger capacity, namely 880 passengers should be conditioned to become 1527 passengers. The evacuation simulation of ship passengers using an agent based modelling simulation is run based on the IMO MSC. 1 / Circ. 1533 using 4 cases during the day and night. In the case of a normal night it takes 38.24 minutes to evacuate all passengers, and in the case of a night the evacuation takes 36.45 minutes. In the normal day case it took 29.49 minutes and in the afternoon case the evacuation took 28.12 minutes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012017
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2021
Event8th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management, ISOCEEN 2020 - Surabaya, Virtual, Indonesia
Duration: 27 Oct 202028 Oct 2020


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