Experimental study of scouring characteristic around hexagonal artificial reef

Haryo Dwito Armono*, Harish Wirayuhanto

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Artificial reef is a structure placed underwater which has similar function with natural reef. Artificial reef can also serve as a submerged breakwater. When placed in shallow water, the structure is vulnerable to scouring and soil subsidence which cause structural failure. This paper present serial testings in Ocean Environment and Ocean Energy Laboratory, Ocean Engineering Department, ITS, to determine the scouring characteristic with variation of gap, and waves for 1: 10 model scale hexagonal artificial reef. The results of this research can guide the planning of structural protection against scouring. From a series of tests, it can be summarized that for 1 diameter gap reef distance, the maximum scouring occurs behind the structure, whereas for no gap distance, it occurs at the front of the structure. At the center of the structure, for no gap distance, sedimentation occurs dominantly, whereas for 1 diameter gap distance, scouring process occurs dominantly. The maximum scouring depth (5,3cm) occurs when the gap is equal to 1 diameter of reefs and minimum scour(2,9 cm) occurs when there is no gap between the reef.

Original languageEnglish
Article number01009
JournalMATEC Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2018
Event5th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management, ISOCEEN 2017 - Surabaya, Indonesia
Duration: 8 Nov 2017 → …


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