Heavy Fraction Separation from Used Lube Oil Using Thin Film Evaporator

A. J. Rifliansah, R. H.M. Utomo, J. P. Sutikno, R. Handogo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Used lube oil is a dangerous waste that must be treated before disposed on the environment. Used lube oil treatment process consists of several stages, one of them is the separation of heavy fraction. Some equipment system can be used to complete this process, and thin film evaporator (TFE) is chosen for this research. The goal of this research is to understand the effect of temperature and rotor rotation on the heat transfer that happens in the distillation process using thin film evaporator. Simulation using Aspen Plus is used and is validated by manual calculation using Matlab. Temperature is varied between 250 - 330 °C and rotor rotation are varied between 0 - 60 rotations per minute (RPM) in a vacuum pressure of 2.53 kPa. From this research, the relation between operating temperature and rotor rotation in thin film evaporator to the vapor fraction produced is directly proportional. The optimum operating condition in this research was found at a temperature of 310 °C with the agitator rotational speed of 30 RPM.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012050
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering, ISIChem 2018 - West Sumatra, Indonesia
Duration: 4 Oct 20186 Oct 2018


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