
DC converters with high ratio of output-input voltage are commonly used in various applications, such as high voltage dc impulse generator, or harnessing energy from weak power sources including piezo electric, thermoelectric etc. This paper presents a single active switch of boost converter combined with cascade voltage multiplier to generate a high gain output voltage. The voltage multiplier module employs two diodes and two capacitor sets. Each capacitor is alternately charged through the diode, and then discharges in series with the source voltage. Every module steps up twice of the input voltage, thus, connecting modules in series provides high output ratio compared to the source voltage. Simulation of the proposed system with three modules of voltage multiplier, and a flyback converter was conducted for comparison. The voltage multiplication using diode shows superb performances compared to the one, which uses mutual inductance. The results indicate that the proposed system has a linear voltage gain for various input voltages, and a constant output voltage under various load resistances.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)176-180
Number of pages5
JournalPrzeglad Elektrotechniczny
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • boost converter
  • dc voltage multiplier
  • diode-capacitor cascade
  • flyback converter
  • single switch


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