Hybrid ARIMAX quantile regression method for forecasting short term electricity consumption in east Java

M. Prastuti, Suhartono, N. A. Salehah

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The need for energy supply, especially for electricity in Indonesia has been increasing in the last past years. Furthermore, the high electricity usage by people at different times leads to the occurrence of heteroscedasticity issue. Estimate the electricity supply that could fulfilled the community's need is very important, but the heteroscedasticity issue often made electricity forecasting hard to be done. An accurate forecast of electricity consumptions is one of the key challenges for energy provider to make better resources and service planning and also take control actions in order to balance the electricity supply and demand for community. In this paper, hybrid ARIMAX Quantile Regression (ARIMAX-QR) approach was proposed to predict the short-term electricity consumption in East Java. This method will also be compared to time series regression using RMSE, MAPE, and MdAPE criteria. The data used in this research was the electricity consumption per half-an-hour data during the period of September 2015 to April 2016. The results show that the proposed approach can be a competitive alternative to forecast short-term electricity in East Java. ARIMAX-QR using lag values and dummy variables as predictors yield more accurate prediction in both in-sample and out-sample data. Moreover, both time series regression and ARIMAX-QR methods with addition of lag values as predictor could capture accurately the patterns in the data. Hence, it produces better predictions compared to the models that not use additional lag variables.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012023
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2018
Event1st International Conference of Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Network Topology, ICCGANT 2017 - Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 25 Nov 201726 Nov 2017


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