hybrid speckle noise reduction method for abdominal circumference segmentation of fetal ultrasound images

Fajar Astuti Hermawati*, Handayani Tjandrasa, Nanik Suciati

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11 Citations (Scopus)


Fetal biometric size such as abdominal circumference (AC) is used to predict fetal weight or gestational age in ultrasound images. The automatic biometric measurement can improve efficiency in the ultrasonography examination workflow. The unclear boundaries of the abdomen image and the speckle noise presence are the challenges for the automated AC measurement techniques. The main problem to improve the accuracy of the automatic AC segmentation is how to remove noise while retaining the boundary features of objects. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid ultrasound image denoising framework which was a combination of spatial-based filtering method and multiresolution based method. In this technique, an ultrasound image was decomposed into subbands using wavelet transform. A thresholding technique and the anisotropic diffusion method were applied to the detail subbands, at the same time the bilateral filtering modified the approximation subband. The proposed denoising approach had the best performance in the edge preservation level and could improve the accuracy of the abdominal circumference segmentation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1747-1757
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018


  • Abdominal circumference Automatic segmentation Image denoising Specklenoise Ultrasound image


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