Identification of customer satisfaction factors through the service quality dimensions: A case study of ABC Hospital, Surabaya

Rachma Rizqina Mardhotillah*, Denis Fidita Karya, Reizano Amri Rasyid, Berto Mulia Wibawa

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Introduction: The value of customer satisfaction is a significant deal for a hospital. Because it reflects the quality of the hospital, an assessment was obtained not only for outpatient customers but also for inpatient customers. In addition, global competition to provide the best service also became a consideration. Therefore, this study aims to see the suitability between the customer expectations and customer reality of ABC Hospital, Surabaya, in this case, especially the inpatient customers of ABC Hospital, Surabaya, and the level of inpatient customer satisfaction at ABC Hospital, Surabaya. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The sampling technique that was carried out was the total sampling technique. This study exploited secondary data as a benchmark for customer satisfaction assessment. The secondary data was used to identify problems at ABC Hospital, Surabaya. The researcher explored primary data for three weeks. The primary data collection method was carried out by distributing questionnaire forms to ABC Hospital, Surabaya’s inpatient customers for three weeks with 131 respondents. This research uses the customer satisfaction index to measure the percentage of customer satisfaction levels and uses importance-performance analysis to show which indicators affect customer satisfaction. Results: Our findings conclude that the value of inpatient customer satisfaction at ABC Hospital was 73.2%. The Importance-performance analysis method results indicate that there are 12 attributes of services or facilities whose performance meets the customers’ expectations. But, there are three attributes far from the customer’s expectations, namely parking space, the accuracy of the doctor’s visit time, and service waiting time. They have to be improved by hospital management. Conclusion: The inpatient satisfaction in ABC Hospital, Surabaya, was under the government standard.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2850-2854
Number of pages5
JournalBali Medical Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)
  • Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
  • Service Quality


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