Implementation Fugl Meyer Assessment of Lower Extremity Method to Develop a Post-stroke Rehabilitation Procedure Using ITS Tricycle

R. Febritasari, I. M.L. Batan

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Stroke rehabilitation procedure with tricycle is arranged according to health standard especially stroke patients. The procedure consists of vital sign examination, Six Minute Walking Test (6MWT), and Fugl Meyer Assessment of Lower Extremity (FMA-LE). As the implementation of procedure, five respondents of stroke patients who had passed the critical period and are carrying out physical therapy in RSU Haji Surabaya take therapy by using tricycle. The results showed that the respondents have motor function score improvement from low to very good category. While based on fitness, the respondents have improvement of VO2maks capacity from 27.714 mL/(Kg.min) to 29.424 mL/(Kg.min). It can be said that the tricycle has a great meaning for stroke rehabilitation.


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