Islamic cultural and Arabic linguistic influence on the languages of Nusantara from lexical borrowing to localized Islamic lifestyles

Choirul Mahfud, Rika Astari, Abdurrohman Kasdi, Muhammad Arfan Mu'ammar, Muyasaroh, Firdaus Wajdi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


This article reviews the breadth of the influence of Arabic on the languages of Nusantara, from the early arrival of Islam in the archipelago to the modern era.1 Focusing on both linguistics and culture, we pay attention to precolonial exchanges, regional languages – in particular Bima, Sasak, Javanese, Sundanese, and Bugis – and the recent influence of Arabic and Islamic culture on the development of technological products, Islamic financial systems, and Islamic lifestyles in contemporary Indonesia. From era to era, Arabic has not only played a role in enriching the vocabulary of the languages of Nusantara, it has also contributed to the social, religious, educational, literary, philosophical, legal, political, scientific, and cultural domains.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)224-248
Number of pages25
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Arabic
  • Islamic culture
  • Islamic lifestyles
  • Languages of Nusantara


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