Local smart initiatives to enhance sustainable settlement

Arina Hayati*, Adinda S.P.R. Utami, Kirami Bararatin, Happy Ratna Santosa, Gabriele Weichart, Mag Karl Valent

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The New Urban Agenda (NUA) will focus on the Smart City and Sustainable City as influential forces within urban development over the next 20 years. What constitutes a Smart and Sustainable reflects the peculiarities of contexts, needs, interests and approaches to urban development in different countries and regions of the world. Indonesia, for example has adopted a fairly broad approach to smart and sustainability, which extends beyond ICT infrastructure to include local development and community initiatives that aim to improve urban environments, economics and lives. Yet, none has examined the relationship between the model of Smart and Sustainability in the context of settlement-built environment. This paper is based on results of an interdisciplinary research project on "Kampung Innovation in Support of Smart City". In the project, architects and anthropologists are collaboratively investigating creative and innovative ventures initiated by Kampung communities in Surabaya. In this paper, we present data gathered to date through participant observation and interviews, and discuss its analysis using six components of the Smart City which highlights the Human Driven Approach (HDM) approach. Findings reveal that these kampung communities are making important contributions to Surabaya's development as both smart and sustainable city through creative and innovative approaches to meeting local economic, social and cultural needs in their settlement.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012017
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Feb 2020
Event3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Architectural Design and Urbanism, ICSADU 2019 - Surakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 29 Aug 201930 Aug 2019


  • Surabaya
  • smart initiative
  • sustainable settlement


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