Mobile application for guidance and provision of toddler's nutrition to support e-PKK

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga(PKK)is an Indonesian community with women as its member, especially housewife. It has many purposes, such ascollaborating the knowledges among members, monitoring children's health, supporting healthy life style in the family. This article is part of our research in building e-PKK, an integrated application to support many activities in PKK's business processes. In this paper we build a module to guide and provise toddler's nutrition to be used by mother. This application is very useful since baby's growth phase is an important phase to be noticed by mother.Using this application, mother can easily obtain baby's growth information whenever and wherever they are via their smartphone. This mobile device applications using backward chaining and forward chaining method. Backward chaining method is a method that uses a goal-based approach, while the forward chaining conducting a set of data for later inference process to find optimal conclusion. Moreover, this apllication provides recommendations of groceries, recipes, as well as the suitability of foodstuffs according to the age of early baby's growth and the type of baby's allergic. In addition, it also provide information about baby's nutrition, growth benchmarks, and first aid. Besides, the application can be used to monthly baby growth record like Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) or Growth Monitoring Card, storing toddlers weighing, immunization and provision of Vitamin A. An additional feature of this application is the complaints system, where other can ask directly to health care center about toddlers' growth.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012013
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2016
EventInternational Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, ICET4SD 2015 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 11 Nov 201512 Nov 2015


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