Monitoring Insect Diversity with a Variety of Traps in Rice Plantations Supports Food Security

Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, H. Herwina, I. Trisnawati

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The objectives of this study in Serbajadi Village, Sunggal District, Northern Sumatera were: 1)Map the diversity and functional role of local insects inpaddy agroecosystems; 2) Determine the environmental variables in the rice field that form ecosystem services; and 3) Provide recommendations for the suitability of local insect agrobiodiversity habitats that form ecosystem services, especially those capable of supporting food security. Insects caught at each trap sample point were determined diagonally with a size of 20 x 20 m in 3 plots, each plot using 5 traps (Sweep Net=SN with 10 swings, Color Pan Trap=CPT with 4 repetitions, Core Sampler= CR with 4 repetitions, and Yellow Sticky Trap=YST with 5 repetitions and Light Trap=LT with 1 repetition in the middle of the rice plant) with sampling 8 times at weekly intervals. The study's results indicated that YST traps captured the highest number of individuals and the greatest diversity of insect species, with 47 species and 479 individuals. LT traps collected 14 species with 288 individuals, and SN traps caught 236 individuals from 36 species. In contrast, the CPT tool had the lowest count of identified individuals, with 14 species and 66 individuals. Furthermore, the overall population is mainly comprised of six pest species, with Chironomus sp being the most abundant at 421 individuals, followed by Anopheles sp. (129 individuals), Tetragnatha sp. (94 individuals), Leptocorisa oratorius (73 individuals), Chilo suppressalis (42 individuals), and Nilaparvata lugens (39 individuals). Conversely, the smallest six species include Euscyrtus concinnus, Hesperia sp., Gryllotalpa orientalis, Panstenon sp., Temelucha philippmensis, and Thomisius sp. The main predators identified are Agriocnemis femina, Ischnura senegalensis, Orthetrum sabina, Pantala flavescens, Paederus sp., Ophionea sp., Conocephalus sp., Spheidea sp., while Ichneumonida sp., Tachnida sp. act as parasitoids in rice cultivation. The calculation of the Biological index consists of the Richness index (R1=2.78-3.29), the Evenness index (E=0.57-0.82), the Diversity index (H'=2.12-2.5) and the Dominance index (D=0.60-0.84). Based on the proportion distribution of abundance of each functional role in each habitat, a tendency was obtained for the proportion of abundance of roles with high evenness in the rice field habitat.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalUniversal Journal of Agricultural Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Agro Biodiversity
  • Ecosystem Services
  • Food Security
  • Insects
  • Sustainable Agriculture


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