Numerical behavior study of short link, intermediate link and long link in eccentrically braced frame steel structure

Budi Suswanto, Aniendhita Rizki Amalia, Endah Wahyuni, Jusuf Wilson

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The paper disccuses an analysis study on the design of Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF) i.e. short link, intermediate link and long link by using diagonal web stiffener in the edge of the link. The analysis aimed at examining the influence of inelastic performance, particularly the effect of geometrical factors that occurred by its link and seismic hazard on the design performance of EBFs. The performance conditions are obtained from the link normalization to ratio capacity of plastic moment (Mp) and plastic shear (Vp). A numerical investigation was conducted on EBF portal system, Split K-Braces under three links condition. Subsequently, the analysis is performed by using SAP2000 and ABAQUS with the loading method is based on displacement control under the influence of cyclic parameter. In fact, to allocate the link parameters, spacing of web stiffener on each model is followed by using AISC-2010. A diagonal web stiffener is also added in each link shceme. The results indicate that the short link model considered have on a higher strength value and used as a proposed model when compared to intermediate link and long link model. It is stated by the failure mechanism as well, the failure is well-occurred in the short link condition. In addition, the added of diagonal web stiffener is possibly increase the link capacity. However, it could affect the performance behavior of link that typically proceed as a beam especially for a long link model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11460-11471
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Eccentrically braced frame
  • Intermediate link
  • Long link
  • Short link
  • Steel structure


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