Numerical study of 3D brine flow across ice can to analyze heat transfer characteristics

Arrad Ghani Safitra*, Prabowo

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


An ice can have a unique shape that cross-sectional area in top side larger than the bottom side. The difference of cross-sectional area influence heat transfer of ice, and it can to brine flow around one. Flow around an ice block is similar to flow around the square cylinder bluff body. In this paper, the comparison square body and rectangular body of ice can with an in-lined arrangement with brine concentration variation is investigated. The commercial CFD was used in 3D steady laminar model. SIMPLE algorithm has been employed for pressure and velocity coupling in this simulation. Setting boundary condition in both geometry is velocity inlet, V = 0.002 m/s and wall ice can condition constant temperature T = 0°C. An isotherm profile at the y position is discussed in detail and visualized in 2-D, so do the local surface Nusselt number and average surface Nusselt number. The highest surface Nusselt number average in square geometry the position of y = 0 is 129.67 at the 0.25 concentration of brine and then the lowest surface Nusselt number average in rectangular geometry the position of y = 1 is 0.82 at the same concentration.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology 2016, ICESNANO 2016
EditorsBudi Kristiawan, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Dominicus Danardono, Budi Santoso, Miftahul Anwar, Triyono, Syamsul Hadi, Joko Triyono, Eko Surojo, Dody Ariawan, Ubaidillah, Suyitno, Nurul Muhayat
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735414525
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2017
Event1st International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology 2016, ICESNANO 2016 - Solo, Indonesia
Duration: 3 Aug 20165 Aug 2016

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference1st International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology 2016, ICESNANO 2016


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