Optimal tuning of PSS parameter using HACDE based on equivalent SMIB model

Rusilawati, Dheny Ashari, Dimas Fajar Uman Putra, Rony Seto Wibowo, Adi Soeprijanto

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4 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposesthe optimal tuning of PSS parameter using the Hybrid Adaptive Chaotic Differential Evolution (HACDE) based on equivalent SMIB model in spite of the complex interconnection multi-machine system. The interconnection of power systems has some advantages such as the increase in power system reliability and maximum power transfer but, on the other hand, these interactions make the systems difficult to analyze because it becomes larger and more complex. To simplify the analysis, first the multi-machine system is converted into an equivalent Single Machine to Infinite Bus (SMIB) model which is formed by determining the equivalent impedance obtained from the network reduction method using the losses concept based on power flow tracing. This model is fairlyenough to represent the setting of generator control equipment. Afterward, the PSS parameters is tuned using HACDE optimization methods in the SMIB system. The HACDE method is able to increase the damping of generator oscillation. The PSS tuning by using HACDE is compared with the DE and RD-PSO methods. Based on time domain and ITAE simulation results, the PSS tuned using HACDE gives better damping than by using the other methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)204-210
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Review of Automatic Control
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Hybrid Adaptive Chaotic Differential Evolution (HACDE)
  • Losses Concept
  • Network Reduction
  • PSS Parameter Tuning
  • Power Flow Tracing


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