Phase Transition of SiO2 Nanoparticles Prepared from Natural Sand: The Calcination Temperature Effect

Munasir*, Zainul Arifin Imam Supardi, Mashadi, Zumrotun Nisa, Diah Hari Kusumawati, Nugrahani Primary Putri, Ahmad Taufiq, Sunaryono, Nurul Hidayat, Darminto

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12 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, we systematically report the synthesis of nano silica powder from natural silica sand by a continuous process. Extraction of sodium silicate from silica sand was through a hydrothermal process, then sodium silicate was ready to be used as a precursor in the form of silicate slurry by coprecipitation process. The silicate slurry of SiO2.XH2O was then dried in a furnace at 150 °C for 4 hours until obtaining a pure white SiO2 powder. At a calcination temperature of 900 °C, the sample was then tested by XRD to analyze the transformation of the crystal phase of SiO2 nanoparticles. Identification of functional group absorption was undertaken by FTIR test, and the particle grain microstructure was analyzed by SEM. At calcination temperature of 900 °C, the SiO2 silica nanoparticles experienced a change of phase from amorphous to crystal or amorphous-cristobalite phase; a shift in stiffness for positions of functional group absorption of Si-O stretching or LO functional groups, Si-O stretching or TO, Si-O-Si bending and Si-O-Si rocking and OH-functional groups occurred; the growth of particle grains happened with a spherical and oval trend, with a larger size. SiO2 nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by a continuous method and 900 °C calcination temperature had a significant effect on structural phase changes, the formation of siloxane functional groups, silanol, and grain growth on SiO2 nanoparticles.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012025
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2018
Event2017 International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education, ICoMSE 2017 - Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 29 Aug 201730 Aug 2017


  • Silica
  • amorphous
  • calcinations
  • cristobalite
  • nanoparticle
  • natural sand


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