Physiological pattern of basic huinan emotion state based on sp02 sensor

Adhi D. Wibawa*, Mauridhi H. Purnomo

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The advance development of vital sign sensors technology nowadays has given impact significantly not only in the field of biomedical engineering but also in many disciplinesthat influence the human health. Monitoring physical condition of patients by using vital signs technology has been done by many researchers in the past extensively. However, study that focusing on monitoring the role of emotion to the human's health is very rare in the literature.This study is a preliminary step in exploring the physiological pattern of human emotion by using SP02 sensor that monitors the level of oxigeninthe blood. Three basic human emotions were tested, they were happy, sad and angry. Three video stimulations that associated with the three basic emotions have been prepared to trigger the 30 healthy volunteers. SP02 sensor was used to record the level of oxigen in the blood during three phases of experiment: baseline, video stimulation and recovery phase. The behaviour of oxigen level during video stimulation among these three emotions were obtained. Sad emotion seemed to have the biggest impact in suppressing the level of oxigen, compared to happy and angry emotion. The >78% of participants showed a significant change in lowering oxigen level during sad emotion. In conclusion, among these three mostly used emotions, sad emotion seemed to have bigger potential in triggering asthma or hypoxia condition. This finding has also showed the potential of sad emotion in worsening the condition of patients with chronical diseases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-59
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Baseline
  • Blood
  • Human emotions
  • Oxigen
  • Technology


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