Phytotoxicity of glyphosate-based herbicide to Typha angustifolia and Vetiveria zizanioides and its effect on rhizosphere bacteria

Kiki Gustinasari, Ellina Sitepu Pandebesie, Arie Dipareza Syafei, Joni Hermana*

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The persistence of glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) residues could harm non-target crops in the agroecosystems, and its degradation could be enhanced by phytoremediation. Typha angustifolia and Vetiveria zizanioides are aquatic plants with great potential for phytoremediation, but data on the tolerance of both plants to GBH is very limited. In this study, we determined the GBH phytotoxicity—the maximum tolerable glyphosate levels—for both plants and assessed GBH’s effects on their rhizosphere bacteria. The phytotoxicity test used sand as media mixed with GBH concentrations of 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2 mg/L with an exposure time of 7 days. Likewise, T. angustifolia was more tolerant of GBH than V. zizanioides, at 2.4 mg/L and 1.2 mg/L, respectively. The control rhizosphere of T. angustifolia was dominated by Bacillus polymyxa and the rhizosphere with 1.2 mg/L GBH was dominated by Bacillus megaterium. In the rhizosphere of V. zizanioides, the dominance of the Bacillus polymyxa and Pseudomonas putida was replaced by that of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas agilis. The decrease in the bacterial population post-GBH exposure was 92.97% for T. angustifolia and 95.71% for V. zizanioides.

Original languageEnglish
Article number45
JournalNanotechnology for Environmental Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


  • Glyphosate-based herbicide
  • Phytotoxicity
  • Rhizosphere bacteria
  • Typha angustifolia
  • Vetiveria zizanioides


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