Planning and policy effectiveness toward sustainable housing provision in Indonesia through econometric approach

D. Rahmawati*, K. P. Tucunan, F. R.N. Irsyad, J. R. Budiani

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


To foster spatial planning, effective instruments are needed so that the implementation of space utilization is in accordance with the expected goals so that resources remain efficient, investment calculations become more real, and environmental balance in sustainable urban development is maintained. Housing development is often delayed (planning delay) due to the inefficient land provision process, on the other hand the housing backlog is increasing to 800,000 units per year so it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of planning, especially in the housing sector that has been running in Indonesia. Econometry as a quantitative approach with various variances of analysis techniques has many benefits but has not been widely integrated in planning, especially in calculating the effectiveness of instruments in achieving spatial planning goals. This article aims to examine the effectiveness of planning, especially related to land value and housing development through an econometric model approach by taking samples in Surabaya. The technique used is multiple regression analysis which shows the level of influence between seven independent variables, consist of number of lots, accessibility, land status, types of developers, infrastructure, spatial policies, and sectoral strategies; while the dependent variable is the effectiveness of planning indicated by the development rate. Based on the regression results, it takes an average of one month to be constant, if other variables are considered absent, or it is interpreted that the phenomenon of housing development tends to be slower than housing planning in sectoral plans and spatial plans.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012018
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 4 May 2022
Event2021 International Conference on Post Pandemic Cities: A Paradigm Shift?, CITIES 2021 - Virtual, Online
Duration: 20 Oct 202121 Oct 2021


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