Potential Utilization of Dried Rice Leftover of Household Organic Waste for Poultry Functional Feed

Rusli Tonda, Lili Zalizar, Wahyu Widodo, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, David Hermawan, Damat Damat*, Endang Dwi Purbajanti, Hendro Prasetyo, Ida Ekawati, Yahya Jani, Juris Burlakovs, Satriyo Krido Wahono, Choirul Anam, Trias Agung Pakarti, Mardiana Sri Susanti, Rifa’atul Mahnunin, Adi Sutanto, Dewi Kurnia Sari, Hilda Hilda, Ahmad FauziWirawan Wirawan, Nico Syahputra Sebayang, Hadinoto Hadinoto, Eni Suhesti, Ulil Amri, Yunus Busa

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15 Citations (Scopus)


Indonesia produced 30 × 106 t of waste in 2021; 40 % was organic and 276 × 103 t leftover rice. Meanwhile, broiler chicken farmers have been struggling with high feed costs to continue their production. Processing leftover rice into "aking-rice" is environmentally friendly, and it also provides alternative feed for chickens. "Aking-rice" is a type of resistant starch because it has undergone a gelatinization process that works as a synthesis of short-chain fatty acids that positively improve the function of the digestive tract because it increases the villi in the small intestine. This study analyzed the potential of “akingrice” in broiler chicken productivity. The experimental method was a completely randomized design with three treatments, five replications and 12 chickens in each unit. The treatments are T0 (100 % basal feed), T1 (80 % basal feed + 20 % “akingrice” spread on top of the basal feed), and T2 (80 % basal feed + 20 % "aking-rice" mix). Statistical analysis used ANOVA, and continued with LSD with observed variables, i.e. Feed Intake (FI), Average Daily Gain (ADG), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), and Performance Index (PI). The results showed that the highest FI values were T0 (99.02), T1 (97.45), and T2 (96.58). The highest ADG was T1 (40.40) then T0 (37.07) and the lowest was T2 (36.40). T1 has the lowest FCR (2.42) compared to T0 (2.68), T2 (2.66). The lowest FCR is T1 (2.42), then T2 (2.66) and the highest is T0 (2.68). The third variable was not significantly different, but the PI results showed a significant difference with the highest PI value T1 (433.84), while T0 (374.81) and T2 (372.67) were not different. Economic analysis also shows that the highest cost T0 (118 475) is significantly different from T1 (110 541) and T2 (109 558). The highest profit is shown by T1 (2 102) then T2 (1 063) and T0 (507). In conclusion, the use of "aking-rice" can increase the performance index with a higher ADG value and a lower FCR so that the costs are smaller and the profit is greater.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)879-886
Number of pages8
JournalJordan Journal of Biological Sciences
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Aking-rice
  • Alternatif feed
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Farmer income
  • Feed cost
  • Feed substitution
  • Resistant starch
  • Waste to feed.


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