A. I. Juniani, M. L. Singgih, P. D. Karningsih*, P. Suwignjo, A. Artono

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User experience is a critical factor of product quality, especially for a manufacturer which launches product redesign similar to those of its competitors in the same market. Redesign in product development is necessary for the manufacturing industry to withstand competition. Every product would be customized to meet customer needs. Customer satisfaction is essential, and avoiding customer dissatisfaction is critical. Customers have the possibility of receiving a faulty item and subsequently lodging a complaint. Users’ unfavorable experiences with a product could be used as feedback to improve its design. Product redesign begins with the identification of functional components. Customer needs are generally utilized to prioritize functional components, whereas complaints and failure modes, which are also crucial for improving product reliability, are often overlooked. This study utilized customer requirements, complaints, and failure analysis to determine the critical components of a two-burner stove. The method accomodates the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and the Kano model to improve product failure and bolster customer satisfaction. Results of the implementation framework indicated that pan support is could not attach tightly. The dented main body, a hard-to-assemble body plate, and a hard-to-assemble side plate are the top three priorities to be redesigned.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-144
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Complaint
  • Failure Mode Effect Analysis
  • Kano
  • Product Redesign
  • User Experience


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