Quantum controlled teleportation with OR-logic-gate-like controllers in noisy environment

Muhammad Taufiqi, Lila Yuwana, Agus Purwanto*, Sithi Vinayakam Muniandy, Eny Latifah, Heru Sukamto, Bintoro Anang Subagyo

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3 Citations (Scopus)


We evaluate a one-way, bidirectional, and cyclic quantum controlled teleportation with two controllers. We show that the controllers’ agreement mimics the OR logic gate, i.e., the teleportation succeeds with only one of the controllers’ cooperation, and it does not matter which one. This result is generalized to multi-way quantum controlled teleportation with N controllers. The proposed protocols are evaluated by considering a noisy environment in the form of phase-damping noise and amplitude-damping noise and the dependence of fidelity only on the decoherence rate and the initial state’s amplitude parameter were established. It is interesting to note that for the phase-damping noise case, there are states with perfect fidelity (and the entropy equal to zero) even in a noisy environment. We discuss the novelty of the proposed protocols and highlight that they can be useful if the information to be teleported needs an OR-logic-gate-like controllers’ agreement combination, which cannot be done with other existing protocols.

Original languageEnglish
Article number125120
JournalPhysica Scripta
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


  • OR-logic-gate-like
  • amplitude-damping noise
  • bidirectional
  • cyclic
  • one-way
  • phase-damping noise
  • quantum controlled teleportation


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