Reduction of energy losses in the end wall junction area through the addition of forward facing step turbulent generator

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


The research is conducted in order to reduce energy losses caused by the secondary flow in the endwall junction. This phenomenon is caused by the interaction of two adjacent viscous flow (symmetric airfoil and endwall). Reduction of energy loss carried out by addition of Foward Facing Step Turbulator (FFST) in the upstream. Endwall junction area is modeled as a NACA 0015 airfoil and a flat plate. Position of FFST is at a distance L = 2/3 C upstream leading edge and a thickness d = 4% C. Free stream conditions Red = 105 with turbulence intensity (Tu) 5%. Research is conducted by numerical and experiment methods. Pathlines of numerical result methods has an identic structure with "Oil Flow Visualization" of the experiment. Result of the research states that the addition of FFST can increase the turbulence intensity in the flow near the wall. So at the same angle of attact (α), the saddle point position on the leading edge has distance nearly the same but a little more towards the lower side and the separation line is wider than without FFST. Because the flow has stronger turbulence intensity, attachment line of the upper and lower sides have a better capability of following the contours of the body. So the point of separation can be delayed and blockage (energy loss) can be reduced as well. Reduction of energy loss is most effective on α=8 ° (4.16%).

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Applied Mechanics and Materials
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventInternational Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICOME 2013 - Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia
Duration: 19 Sept 201321 Sept 2013

Publication series

NameApplied Mechanics and Materials
ISSN (Print)1660-9336
ISSN (Electronic)1662-7482


ConferenceInternational Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICOME 2013
CityMataram, Lombok


  • Forward facing step
  • Secondary flow
  • Turbulent intensity


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