Role of novel additives (reservoir rock and activated carbon) in bio-oil synthesis from LRC microwave pyrolysis

Bambang Sardi*, Irianto Uno, Fitrawati A. Marhum, Amar Ali Akbar, Thahirah Arief, Muhammad Arif, Ali Altway, Mahfud Mahfud

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


The ferric sulfate was added to reservoir rock catalyst (RC) and activated carbon catalyst (AC) to obtain Fe/RC and Fe/AC. Microwave pyrolysis (MP) was carried out to process low-rank coal (LRC) using catalysts and receptors (Fe/RC and Fe/AC). A comparison was made between the product distribution and the process factors (temperature, time, and power). The results show that the product is affected by MP with Fe/CR and Fe/AC through temperature acceleration and final temperature. When compared to conventional pyrolysis (CP) with the same conditions (620 °C and 60 min), the bio-oil generated from MP + 1.0% RC + 24.6% Fe was 42.0%, 4.4% greater than CP. Meanwhile, using MP + 1.0% AC + 24.6% Fe, 47.1% bio-oil was produced, with an increase of 4.0%. Meanwhile, using 1.0% RC + 24.6% Fe, the highest bio-oil production was seen at 60 min, 620 °C, and 600 W, generating 42.0% bio-oil. Study results can form the basis for obtaining fuel, chemicals, and environmental improvements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)203-216
Number of pages14
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2024


  • Activated carbon
  • Fe receptor
  • LRC
  • Microwave pyrolysis
  • Reservoir rock


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