Secondary camera placement in Machinema using behavior trees

Delta Ardy Prima, Bela Bima Ferial Java, Edward Suryapto, Mochamad Hariadi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Machinema is a system that allows making movies in virtual environment created in real-time. In the process of making machinema movie, the camera position plays an important role in the process of cinematography. In the real world, the cameraman receives direction form the director to put the camera accordance with the desired viewpoint. Machinema works in real-time, it would a real camera system that can perform the roles of a director and cameraman in determining perspective on every scene in the film making. In the real world cinematography, the director used a variety of viewpoints such as establishing shot, track shot, bird eye, and close up to get an interesting story. If machinema is used to make a film resembling as in the real world then machinema should be possible to take shoot with various position. We designed an intelligent camera system that can accommodate the needs of the virtual cinematography by observing the rules of traditional cinematography in the real world. An intelligent camera system is capable of assisting in the process of making machinema movies. Our method uses behavior trees. The system we made allows the camera to perform as a director in terms of deciding the proper perspective based on priorities and possibilities to make the camera moves automatically and shoots like a cameraman in the real world. In this paper we implement the system we've created in virtual world using unreal engine.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2013 International Conference on Quality in Research, QiR 2013 - In Conjunction with ICCS 2013
Subtitle of host publicationThe 2nd International Conference on Civic Space
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 13th International Conference on Quality in Research, QiR 2013 - In Conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Civic Space, ICCS 2013 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 25 Jun 201328 Jun 2013

Publication series

Name2013 International Conference on Quality in Research, QiR 2013 - In Conjunction with ICCS 2013: The 2nd International Conference on Civic Space


Conference2013 13th International Conference on Quality in Research, QiR 2013 - In Conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Civic Space, ICCS 2013


  • behavior trees
  • cinematography
  • machinema
  • unreal engine


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