Seismic Retrofitting of Indonesian Masonry Using Bamboo Strips: An Experimental Study

Ahmad Basshofi Habieb*, Farisal Akbar Rofiussan, Djoko Irawan, Gabriele Milani, Budi Suswanto, Amien Widodo, Hidajat Soegihardjo

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Unreinforced masonry (UM) is well known as a vulnerable structure against earthquakes. However, it remains a popular structural system for low-rise residential housing in many high-seismicity areas, particularly in developing regions due to its low cost and easy construction. In the present study, a retrofitting strategy using locally available material, bamboo strips, was proposed. In addition to its fast-growing rate, the tensile strength of bamboo is considered high, nearly comparable to its steel counterpart. A series of experimental tests were performed in this study, including the bamboo tensile test, the mortar flexural test, the diagonal compressive shear test on the masonry assemblages, and the in-plane pushover test on masonry wall specimens without and with bamboo reinforcement. The retrofitted specimens with different volumes of bamboo reinforcement were also considered. The results show that the application of bamboo reinforcement, at a proper volume, significantly increases the ultimate strength and the ductility of the masonry wall. Such results indicate that the brittle failure of UM structures can be avoided by means of bamboo retrofitting.

Original languageEnglish
Article number854
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • bamboo retrofitting
  • diagonal compressive shear test
  • ductility
  • pushover test
  • seismic retrofitting
  • unreinforced masonry housing


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