
Electricity problem of most small islands in Indonesia has become a serious problem and need to be immediately resolved. In this present paper, Kangean Islands, Sumenep district of Madura, Indonesia, is one of the most suitable islands for an example. In this island, the existing electricity supply is mainly generated by diesel generators. Even though there are also electricity supplies from the government and private companies, it is very limited capacities just a few families. It is clear that the daily electricity requirements in the Kangean Islands are not adequately met. There is no self-supporting from the local residents to meet their daily energy needs. The community service activity helps to improve the understanding and the self-supporting of the Kangean Island community, especially for the young generation, in the field of electrical energy by utilizing renewable energy sources, especially solar cell system technology. Thus, it is expected that natural resources in Kangean Island can be utilized properly and able to increase the productivity. Finally, in this paper, the light intensity and surface temperature effects on the performance of a monocrystal solar cell are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012047
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2018
EventSeminar Nasional Fisika, SNF 2017 - Surabaya, Indonesia
Duration: 25 Nov 201725 Nov 2017


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