Sound Reconstruction of an Overdetermined Mixture in a Mini Plant: An Experimental Study

Anindita Adikaputri Vinaya*, Dhany Arifianto, Yupit Sudianto, Aulia Siti Aisjah

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In this study, we propose a sound-based signal analysis technique emitted by rotating machines. Three water pump machines are set in a row to reflect a mini plant. We raise an overdetermined case with four sensors that are used to record three machines' signal sounds with unbalanced, normal and bearing fault conditions. We use non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) approach to reconstruct the signal sounds of each machine which had previously been mixed. Based on the results, the type of engine damages can be determined based on the fundamental frequency of each machine. The first reconstructed signal Ŝ 1 is similar to the baseline signal of normal machine with LSD of 1 and MSE of 5.84 × 10-9 The second reconstructed signal Ŝ 2 has a similarity to the baseline signal of the machine with bearing fault with LSD of 1 and MSE of 1.10 × 10-7, while the third reconstruction signal Ŝ 3 is similar to the machine's baseline signal with unbalanced condition,that is, LSD of 1.02 and MSE of 1.38 × 10-8.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012018
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2018
Event5th International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research, ICMMR 2018 - Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 19 Jul 201821 Jul 2018


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