Spatial autoregressive model for modeling of human development index in East Java province

Wara Pramesti, Agus Suharsono

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Human Development Index (HDI) is set by the United Nations (UN) as a measure of human development standards. HDI can also be used as a determinant of a country including developed and developing countries. HDI is formed based on three basic dimensions, namely longevity and healthy life, knowledge and decent living standards. The purpose of this study was to model the HDI with the Spatial Autoregressive Model, and determine the factors that influence HDI in each district / city in East Java, namely the average length of school, literacy rates, per capita expenditure, the percentage of poor people, and school expectations. The results of the analysis show that the average school years, literacy rates, per capita expenditure, and district / city school expectations in East Java significantly influence the human development index. The coefficient of determination is 0.9916, indicating that variations in HDI can be explained by the model of 99.16%, and 0.84% explained by factors that do not enter the model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)626-632
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • HDI
  • Queen Contiguity
  • Spatial Autoregressive Model


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