Stabilization of Expansive Clay Soil Using Phosphoric Acid Chemicals from Chicken Bone Waste

Azzah Abiyyu Sa’idah, KPL Nurul Intifada, Yofi Maulida Zahra, Anisha Rachma Sary, Gishela Novita Ramadhani, Fahimah Martak, Trihanyndio Rendy Satrya*, Imanuel Gauru

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Road construction on expansive clay soil is susceptible to damage because it has a high potential for shrinkage and the soil's bearing capacity is influenced by soil saturation. Continuous improvements need to be carried out because the subgrade plays an important role in determining the thickness of the road pavement and the final load distribution of the layer above it. One method of improving the subgrade layer is stabilization which refers to the California bearing ratio (CBR) value. Stabilization of expansive clay soil can be done by adding phosphoric acid which will increase the binding force between soil particles to form a solid layer that is insoluble in water. Chicken bones were chosen as an alternative to phosphoric acid because when mixed with sulfuric acid and heated to its boiling point, the calcium phosphate in chicken bones will react to form a phosphoric acid solution. The extraction process was carried out by mixing 100 ml of sulfuric acid solution with concentrations of 25, 35, 45, and 55% into 15-g chicken bone powder and obtained a maximum amount of phosphate of 174.083 mg/L at a sulfuric acid concentration of 25%. The addition of phosphoric acid with varying concentrations of 5, 7.5, and 10% gave a different reaction to the soil when compared with the original soil. The addition of phosphoric acid with a concentration of 5% gave a maximum increase in CBR in the soil of 2.18% from the original soil CBR of 1.63% but experienced a decrease in the CBR value when adding phosphoric acid with a concentration of 7.5 and 10%. The time for curing the soil with phosphoric acid was only one day, resulting in a decrease in the soil cohesion value and soil compressive strength value during UCT testing because the phosphoric acid had not worked optimally. However, when the CBR test was carried out with a soaking period of 4 days, there was an increase in the CBR value because the phosphoric acid mixed with it covered the soil grains so that clots were formed and the binding force between the soil grains increased.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Civil Engineering Materials - Selected Articles from the 7th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering ICACE 2023
EditorsElham Maghsoudi Nia, Mokhtar Awang
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9789819707508
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event7th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, ICACE 2023 - Putrajaya, Malaysia
Duration: 15 Nov 202315 Nov 2023

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Civil Engineering
ISSN (Print)2366-2557
ISSN (Electronic)2366-2565


Conference7th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, ICACE 2023


  • CBR
  • Expansive clay
  • Sulfuric acid


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