Stress concentration factor distribution of inclined brace in multiplanar offshore tubular double kt joints

Rudi Walujo Prastianto, Yoyok Setyo Hadiwidodo, Ibnu Fasyin Fuadi, Mhd Bonar Yudha Prawira Naibaho, Prasetyo Nugroho Rahardianto

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The majority of tubular joints commonly found in offshore structures are in the form of multi-planar tubular joints, but very few investigations have been reported due to the complexity and high cost involved. The majority of research have been focused on the study of stress distribution at certain position such as saddle and crown points, and the hot spot stress (HSS) at other position along the weld toe of brace/chord intersection have been ignored. In this paper a 60° two-planar double KT (DKT) tubular joint is modelled as a finite element model from an offshore jacket platform. The effect of dimensionless geometrical parameters on the geometrically stress distribution and SCF distribution along the weld toe of inclined brace in axially loaded on the joint are investigated. Non-dimensional parameters that are varied include β, τ, γ and θ. Validation of the finite element model shown a good agreement to the global structural analysis results. The results of parametric studies show that the increase of the β leads to decrease of SCF. While the increase of the τ, γ and θ leads to increase of SCF. The peak SCF mostly occurs at the outer saddle point. The effect of parameters β, γ and θ on the SCF are greater than the effect of parameters τ.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012049
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2018
Event1st International Conference on Maritime Sciences and Advanced Technology: Ocean Science and Technology Toward a Global Maritime Axis, MSAT 2017 - Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 3 Aug 20175 Aug 2017


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