Subsurface Structural Mapping Using Correlation of Gravity Modeling and Geological Study of Tuban Karst Area, East Java, Indonesia

Ferdian Yoga Aditama, Dinda Maulina, Vareyna Tsamrotul Fikriyah, Sekar Fajar Lestari, Anik Hilyah*, Eki Komara, Hamzah Afif

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A gravity survey of the Tuban Karst Area was established to map subsurface structures that control groundwater flow. However, the research is still limited to the surface area. To complete the research of the area, gravity data were collected at 70 stations using the Scintrex CG-5 gravimeter. Data processing uses a Gaussian Low-pass filter and forward modeling. To show correlation between gravity method and geological studies, a sample test of 18 rock samples from representative formations have an average rock density value of 2.61 g/cm3. Interpretation of the residual anomaly map has a value of -9.5 to 6.7 mGal. The low anomaly zone is -9.5 to -2.5 mGal which is Ngrayonng Formation. Medium anomaly zone is -2.5 to 1.4 mGal which is Paciran and Bulu Formation. High anomaly zone is 1.9 to 6.7 mGal which is Wonocolo, Mundu, Ledok, and Lidah Formations. This study shows that the dominant orientation of lineament in the NW-SE direction, which is indicated by anomaly contrasts in the Paciran and Bulu Formations. The orientation of lineament is assumed to control Krawak groundwater flow. The forward modeling has been applied to the gravity data and provides information about the subsurface of geological formations. The order of formation layers from oldest to youngest is Tawun, Ngrayong, Bulu, Wonocolo, and Paciran respectively. There is a dip-slip fault with a slope close to 90o. This study provides new information for better understanding of the subsurface structures that control groundwater flow using gravity data of the Tuban Karst Area.

Original languageEnglish
Article number080001
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2024
Event1st International Conference on Upstream Energy Technology and Digitalization, ICUPERTAIN 2022 - Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 6 Dec 20227 Dec 2022


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