Sustainable suppy chain value stream mapping (Ssc-Vsm) the application in two bottle drinking water companies

Windy Megayanti*, Maria Anityasari, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono

*Corresponding author for this work
5 Citations (Scopus)


High competitiveness level in manufacture industry has caused companies to compete not only to be efficient (lean) but also sustainable. In order to achieve sustainability, a company requires a thorough examination of the product design process, the manufacturing process, and the overall supply chain. Many studies have attempted to develop value stream mapping (VSM) that is integrated with environmental and social aspects to produce sustainable system, but they fail to describe the overall performance of sustainability throughout the product supply chain. To do so sustainable supply chain value stream mapping (SSC-VSM) has been developed. SSC-VSM aims to analyze sustainability performance throughout the product supply chain. In term of the product supply chain considered are pre manufacturing, manufacturing, and distribution. Aspects that are considered are economic, environment, and society in which each aspect has some indicators. This research aims to extend the previous research focusing on only manufacturing stage under the concept of Sustainability Valye Stream Mapping (Sus-VSM) to all stage in supply chain and to apply the modified Sus-VSM named SSC-VSM in two bottled drinking water companies. The application aims to assess and compare those companies and identify which indicator that less efficient and should be improved.


  • Lean manufacturing
  • Supply chain
  • Sustainability manufacturing
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Value Stream Mapping (SSC-VSM)


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