Technical and Economic Analysis of a Conversion on a Single Pontoon to a Multi Pontoon Floating Dock

Sufian Imam Wahidi*, Triwilaswandio Wuruk Pribadi, Moch Iqbal Firdausi, Budie Santosa

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The conversion of floating docks from single pontoon to multi pontoon is a beneficial alternative for shipyards to enhance the performance of the facilities owned. The objective of this research is to analyze technically and economically the conversion of single pontoon floating dock to multi pontoon. The results of calculations used the 2.2 Finite Element Method software was the amount of the stress at the floating dock after the conversion of 14.635 MPa is smaller than the permitted stress of 160 MPa. Besides that, the pump ballast filling capability after conversion is 54.16 minutes. The decrease in Ton Lifting Capacity (TLC) can be determined by the difference in the load that occurs in the floating dock. After the floating dock is converted using the same TLC, it changes from 2.07 m to 2.11 m. The freeboard height is >300 mm so it is still able to work on the same TLC. There are 4 stages at the production stage, making access to the pontoon, installing bulkhead and additional reinforcement, removing the pontoon, dismantling and installing the pump, and reconnecting with the sidewall. The analysis results found that the conversion costs was IDR 20,051,463,949, the economic analysis conducted also obtained savings for floating dock reparation costs of IDR 6,559,475,128 to IDR 4,143,346,112. When one pontoon is repaired, the rest of the pontoon can still be used and get an income of IDR 3,292,265,120 thus the total cost is IDR 851,080,992. Saving amounting to IDR 5,708,394,136 is used to pay off investment costs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)114-122
Number of pages9
JournalNase More
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • conversion
  • floating dock
  • multi pontoon
  • single pontoon


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