Testing of Bi-Polygonal Antenna Models on Bi-Quad and Bi-Circular Geometries

M. A. Bustomi*, Y. H. Pramono

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Bi-quad antennas have been widely used mainly as wideband antennas. Recent developments have shown the use of bi-circular antennas in addition to bi-quad antennas. These two types of antenna designs are bi-polygonal antenna designs that differ in their geometry. This paper presents the results of experimental and theoretical studies related to bi-quad and bi-circular antennas. A bi-polygonal antenna model has been developed in this study to support the results of this study. There were two characteristics of the antenna being modeled, namely bandwidth and working frequency of the antenna. The bandwidth and frequency characterization of the antenna was carried out in two ways, namely FDTD simulation and measurements on the fabricated antenna. The research objective was to test the bi-polygonal antenna model in analyzing changes in bandwidth and working frequency due to changes in the antenna design geometry from bi-quad to bi-circular. The novelty of the research is the application of the bi-polygonal antenna model to analyze changes in the bandwidth and working frequency of the antenna due to changes in the geometry of the antenna design. The results of the application of the bi-polygonal antenna model on the design of the bi-quad and bi-circular antennas showed good agreement with the data of bandwidth and working frequency characteristics of the simulations and measurements on the two antennas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)492-503
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • antenna modeling
  • bandwidth
  • bi-circular
  • bi-quad
  • working frequency


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