Text Generation with Content and Structure-Based Preprocessing in Imbalanced Data of Product Review

Ana Alimatus Zaqiyah, Diana Purwitasari*, Chastine Fatichah

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Spam detection frequently categorizes product reviews as spam and non-spam. The spam reviews may contain texts of fake reviews and non-review statements describing unrelated things about products. Most of the publicly available spam reviews are labelled as fake reviews, while non-spam texts that are not fake reviews could contain non-review statements. It is crucial to notice those non-review statements since they convey misperception to consumers. Non-review statements are hardly found, and those statements of large and long texts often need to be manually labelled, which is time-consuming. Because of the rareness in finding non-review statements, there is an imbalanced condition between non-spam as a major class and spam that consists of the non-review statement as a minor class. Augmenting fake reviews to add spam texts is ineffective because they have similar content to non-spam such as some opinion words of product features. Thus, the text generation of non-review statements is preferable for adding spam texts. Some text generation issues are the frequent neural network-based methods require much learning data, and the existing pre-trained models produce texts with different contexts to non-review statements. The augmented texts should have similar content and context represented by the structure of the non-review statement. Therefore, we propose a text generation model with content and structure-based preprocessing to produce non-review statements, which is expected to overcome imbalanced data and give better spam detection results in product Structure-based preprocessing identifies the feature structures of non-opinion words from part-of-speech tags. Those features represent the context of spam reviews in unlabeled texts. Then, content-based preprocessing appoints selected topic modeling results of non-review statements from fake reviews. Our experiments resulted an improvement on the metric value of ± 0.04, called as BLEU (Bi-Lingual Evaluation Understudy) score, for the correspondence evaluation between generated and trained texts. The metric value indicates that the generated texts are not quite identical to trained texts of non-review statements. However, those additional texts combined with the original spam texts gave better spam detection results with an increasing value of more than 40% on average recall score.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)516-527
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Product review
  • Spam texts
  • Text generation
  • Topic modeling


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