The design of fuel dryer in palm oil processing industries by utilizing the heat product of boiler based on computational fluid dynamic

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Incomplete combustion process from boiler in palm oil processing industry usually discharged into the air in the form of black smoke due to the high water contain in the fuel of the boiler which will pollute the air. With this problem the research was conducted of designing a simulation of fuel dryer to dry out the boiler fuel before it used by utilizing the exhaust heat of the combustion system in the boiler. The simulation design of the fuel dryer is based on computational fluid dynamic (CFD) with parameters control are air velocity and heat temperature of fuel dryer. The results obtained the distribution of air velocity in the dryer has a value range of 0-40 m/s with the highest velocity occurring when hot exhaust air enters the dryer while the temperature distribution inside the dryer has a value range of 90-270 °C with the highest temperature appearing around hot air inlet exhaust and the lowest temperature appears in the hot air outlet section of the dryer.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012008
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event6th International Conference on Biomass and Bioenergy 2021, ICBB 2021 - Virtual, Online
Duration: 9 Aug 202110 Aug 2021


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